Продукти за electric ger fox (3)

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome Application:Decorative application in automotive and sanitary field Function:Deposited from trivalent chrome electrolytes, noble dark optics
Зарядна станция Zebra Fancy с кабел (С кабел) - Търговска употреба

Зарядна станция Zebra Fancy с кабел (С кабел) - Търговска употреба

Zebra Fancy Wired Elektrikli Araç Şarj Ünitesi, isteğinize bağlı olarak farklı özelliklerde, renklerde ve sizin markanıza özel olarak üretilebilir. FANCY Wired paketinde standart olarak aşağıdaki özellikler mevcuttur. * Kablolu * 5'' Ekran * Ethernet / Wifi Bağlantılı / Mobil * Opsiyonel Ölçüm ve Ödeme sistemi entegrasyonu * Güvenlik ve Koruma özelliklerine sahip


Specifications Aluminium extruded body with electrostatic powder coated Electrostatic powder coated aluminium die cast end caps Mid Power LED light source LED (L80/B10) + DRIVER life time more than 50.000 Hours Tempered (clear and frosted) glass cover with IK10 grade High efficient PMMA, Opal, semi-transparent or transparent diffuser option Input Voltage: 198-264V AC, 176-280V DC, 50-60 Hz Operating Temperature (Ta): -400C / +700C Applications Zone 2 - Zone 22 applications Industrial Facilities Oil Rafineries Gas Stations Petrochemical Facilities